Well hello there. I didn't hear you come in, or I would have met you at the door. I do apologize.
Well, let's get down to business, shall we? I know it's been a while, but Second Mom (SM) & Second Dad (SD) are both "busy" with their school work, and it takes a lot of whining in order to get someone to transcribe for me. But I have finally succeeded in getting my tail in edgewise, so here goes!
Apparently, when no one was looking, winter up and left. The snow was there, all white and cold, and then, seemingly the next day, the grass was green and there wasn't an icicle to be seen. I was suspicious, but I do enjoy rolling in the grass more than rolling in the snow. Although I enjoy eating snow more than eating grass. It's a difficult position I've put myself in, but somehow I persevere.
One surprise that spring brought was a pool! SD magically produced a pool from the garage a few weeks ago, and now I have my very own little blue kiddie pool! While it's not deep enough to swim in, let alone do laps, I can still bite the water and keep it in line.

Here I am in my younger days, working on my form. Notice the correctly folded-back ears, the firm grip of the teeth, and the strong forward stroke of the front legs. Efficiency, folks, efficiency!
And finally, I try not to be too political, at least publicly, but I read this the other day and just couldn't help myself: (In reference to the recent climate legislation efforts being undertaken by the U.S. Congress, and the 30+ environmental groups who are pushing for its passage before the summer recess.) "Ponies will not descend from the heavens magically bearing Republican Senators who don’t filibuster every bill. "
No, I don't understand what this whole "Congress" thing is, or what a "summer recess" is, or even how one filibusters. My guess is that it involves a dog named Buster, and lots of food. But anyhow, if you do happen to see some magical ponies descending from the heavens, for goodness sake watch out you don't walk underneath one. Falling manure can be hazardous for your health, or so I've been told.
'Tis all for now - watch out for flying ponies!