Monday, May 3, 2010

A Quick Update

Well hello there. I didn't hear you come in, or I would have met you at the door. I do apologize.

Well, let's get down to business, shall we? I know it's been a while, but Second Mom (SM) & Second Dad (SD) are both "busy" with their school work, and it takes a lot of whining in order to get someone to transcribe for me. But I have finally succeeded in getting my tail in edgewise, so here goes!

Apparently, when no one was looking, winter up and left. The snow was there, all white and cold, and then, seemingly the next day, the grass was green and there wasn't an icicle to be seen. I was suspicious, but I do enjoy rolling in the grass more than rolling in the snow. Although I enjoy eating snow more than eating grass. It's a difficult position I've put myself in, but somehow I persevere.

One surprise that spring brought was a pool! SD magically produced a pool from the garage a few weeks ago, and now I have my very own little blue kiddie pool! While it's not deep enough to swim in, let alone do laps, I can still bite the water and keep it in line.

Here I am in my younger days, working on my form. Notice the correctly folded-back ears, the firm grip of the teeth, and the strong forward stroke of the front legs. Efficiency, folks, efficiency!

And finally, I try not to be too political, at least publicly, but I read this the other day and just couldn't help myself: (In reference to the recent climate legislation efforts being undertaken by the U.S. Congress, and the 30+ environmental groups who are pushing for its passage before the summer recess.) "Ponies will not descend from the heavens magically bearing Republican Senators who don’t filibuster every bill. "

No, I don't understand what this whole "Congress" thing is, or what a "summer recess" is, or even how one filibusters. My guess is that it involves a dog named Buster, and lots of food. But anyhow, if you do happen to see some magical ponies descending from the heavens, for goodness sake watch out you don't walk underneath one. Falling manure can be hazardous for your health, or so I've been told.

'Tis all for now - watch out for flying ponies!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Happy Birthday to Meeeeee!!!!!

Happy Birthday, Me!

Ten years ago today, I showed up as a not-so-big, probably somewhat slimy, yet oh-so-adorably cute, ball of fur. Not ball of fluff, that would be Orion, but cute nonetheless. And now, a whole entire decade later, here I am! Full of a lust for life, and snow, and naps. Ain't life grand?

So let's see, what has my day entailed? Well, I had a wonderful snooze in the morning, and then I got to wake up the Humans. It was past 7AM, so they should really thank me, weekend or not. Plus, it's my birthday! I only get one of those each year (although, shouldn't I get seven per human year?) so I've got to make each minute count! That was followed by the usual bathroom break, and then breakfast. But then, unlike a normal day where everybody leaves me, I got to snuggle on the couch while we watched TV! Oh, it was great - human laps really do make nice pillows. From there, it was a series of naps, stretches, yawns, another nap, and then a serious brushing (outside, no less!) and, then, a walk! A glorious, wonderful, tiring walk! Oh how I loved it.

After the walk, I got a paw-dicure, and then a delicious chew, and then it was time for another nap. I have since completed that nap, and thought I would toss this together for all my well-wishers out there, in case, you know, it slipped your mind or something. Have no fear, I am well: well-rested, well-fed, well-walked, well-brushed, and, well, well.

That's all, folks!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Where do you think you're going?

Leaving? What do you mean, leaving? You just got here! I behaved while you were at work, and now you come home, let me outside to do my business -- remind me again why I can't just go inside? It's nice and warm there... -- toss some food in my bowl, drop your European Carryall and grab another bag, and then you're out the door like some traveling salesman! What's up with that?! Honestly, Second Dad, you need to take a moment, slow down, and play with me. I've been home all day, all alone, with only the couch to keep me company, and he's starting to smell. Oh, sure, I can carry the tennis ball around for a while, but it's not nearly as fun as when you chase me around the place.

I'd like to blame it on winter, but I know that's not the case. Silly school. And work. You know, Second Dad, I have this great, foolproof plan for getting out of school and work. You just say that you're "not compatible" with anything they offer you. It worked great for me! Of course, I did have to go all the way through school... maybe on second thought you shouldn't try that. See, the plan was foolproof, is foolproof, it's just that neither one of us is a fool, and so we saw right through it. Good work - glad to see you've got your head on straight. Atta Boy!

Just remember - all sleep and no play makes Hagrid a very persistent furry ball of energy!

"The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more." ~ Jonas Salk

Saturday, January 16, 2010

What do you think?

Trick question: Do I want to go for a walk? Or perhaps it's rhetorical. I can never really keep the two straight, although that is mainly because I can't pronounce "rhetorical." I blame it on my jowls. They're lovely jowls, don't get me wrong, they just inhibit my ability to enunciate. That's genetics for ya!

Anyways, are you really asking me that? Do I want to go for a walk? You're kidding, right? Try this one on for size: When do I not want to go for a walk? Take today for instance - it's beautifully sunny, blinding even; it's above freezing, which for the middle of January is impressive in its own right; and there's snow on the ground, just waiting for me to sneak up and devour it. What's missing from this picture, you ask? That's right, absolutely nothing, besides me going for a walk. Which is just what I spent the last hour doing, as a matter of fact, dragging Second Dad over hill and dale, under bridges, through snowbanks, down along frozen creek beds, and just generally enjoying winter.

So with that done, I think I can now indulge myself in a well-deserved nap. So it's off to the couch, folks. If you need me, just, oh I don't know, ask me if I want to go on a walk or something....


*P.S.: I just had a great idea. Wouldn't Toodles be a great name for a poodle? Toodles the Poodle! Hah! Haha! Hehe! Oh, I crack myself up. Allright, back to the nap.