Friday, December 11, 2009

My, how time flies!

Hi again dear readers,

I must apologize for my extended absence. Unintentional, I assure you. Second Dad (& Second Mom, too, now that I think of it) were both busy with school, and thus unable to transcribe for me. But they've got some down time now, so we should be able to get back in the saddle relatively quickly. I do have some good stories to pass along, such as my Halloween shenanigans, and the recent fun I've been having in the snow. (It's now winter, and that means snow!)

Anyways, just wanted to let you all know that I hadn't forgotten about you or this blog, and that I'll be back with more soon! So stay tuned for future updates. They say that patience is a virtue, after all.... although that was not something that was always followed at home. Orion, you know what I'm talking about!