Saturday, March 28, 2009

In days of yore...

In days of yore, the famous - and infamous - had nicknames, monikers if you will. Or so I've been told. Richard the Lion-hearted, Eric the Red, William the Bruce, William the Conqueror, Bob the Builder, etc. I myself have a nickname - well, nicknames, really - none of which I have chosen, but most of which fit me quite well, if I do say so. And I do.

Some of these nicknames play off of my name, while others refer to character traits (I am quite the character, after all) or physical traits that I exude. Which, by the way, sounds like something you wouldn't want to lick up... "Eww, he exuded! Gross!"

Here is what I am sure is an incomplete list of my akas (that's Also Known As-es), along with a brief description why. Enjoy!

Hagridpants - Apparently my hind legs resemble some sort of pants... either that or I pant a lot?
Mr. Pants - See above; the more formal version of Hagridpants, primarily used for strangers I don't know yet
Haggy - I have no idea, it just happened one day. I have very little control over these things.
Haggers - Ditto.
Goofball - On occassion, I can be a little goofy. But just a little.
Goofy one - A variation of goofball, I presume.
Fishboy - I love to swim!

And now to my lineage, which is apparently rather varied. I had no idea, honest. I have been told that I am part-:
Lion - Have you seen my mane? Quite lion-ish.
Bear - I'm guessing this was before I went on that diet... or perhaps it refers to my hibernation abilities.
Mouse - I think this refers to my face, more specifically my nose... should I be upset?
Bat - Not really sure about this one. Perhaps my ears? I'll have to get back to you.
Dragon - I believe it's all in the tail... although rumors of my breath being able to whither flowers and scare small children may have something to do with it.
Fish - See nickname above. I think I was a fish in a previous life, perhaps a tuna. Maybe a marlin? Some days I'm more fish-out-of-water, though...

I believe that there are others, both nicknames and lineage markers, but that's all I can come up with at the moment. I'll have my Humans go over the lists later and add to them as necessary. Happy napping!

Oh, almost forgot - quotage below!

If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then giving Fido only two of them. ~Phil Pastoret

It's all in the nose, buddy. All in the nose.


  1. War Cry's Calvin - That would be Hagrid's really, really formal AKC name for use when he wants be snobby.

  2. I try never to be snobby, thankyouverymuch, Mother! You taught me that, along with being nice to everyone I meet, and only going to the bathroom when and where I am supposed to, and not begging, and only speaking when asked. It's the important things, really. The life lessons that most of us learn much too late in life. So thanks!
