Saturday, January 16, 2010

What do you think?

Trick question: Do I want to go for a walk? Or perhaps it's rhetorical. I can never really keep the two straight, although that is mainly because I can't pronounce "rhetorical." I blame it on my jowls. They're lovely jowls, don't get me wrong, they just inhibit my ability to enunciate. That's genetics for ya!

Anyways, are you really asking me that? Do I want to go for a walk? You're kidding, right? Try this one on for size: When do I not want to go for a walk? Take today for instance - it's beautifully sunny, blinding even; it's above freezing, which for the middle of January is impressive in its own right; and there's snow on the ground, just waiting for me to sneak up and devour it. What's missing from this picture, you ask? That's right, absolutely nothing, besides me going for a walk. Which is just what I spent the last hour doing, as a matter of fact, dragging Second Dad over hill and dale, under bridges, through snowbanks, down along frozen creek beds, and just generally enjoying winter.

So with that done, I think I can now indulge myself in a well-deserved nap. So it's off to the couch, folks. If you need me, just, oh I don't know, ask me if I want to go on a walk or something....


*P.S.: I just had a great idea. Wouldn't Toodles be a great name for a poodle? Toodles the Poodle! Hah! Haha! Hehe! Oh, I crack myself up. Allright, back to the nap.

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